
We charge a one-fee for our services. This includes the following such as one of our escort girls of choice, standard service & delivery into your appartment or hotel of choice. Any extra's can only be negotiated with the escort girl. Payment is possible by Cash, Maestro, Credit card or upon request, together with our driver to the nearest ATM of choice. On a minimum of 3 hours or longer, a discount can be negotiated with our escort service. Please call us if you have any questions. Here follows a list of populair cities and their pricing(s) starting from 1 hour or longer.

We try to maintain the lowest possible pricing for our services in and around amsterdam. Check out our Escort Girls and make a booking if your interested in meeting one of the girls. Our delivery extends to approx 50 kilometers from Amsterdam and starts from 25 minutes after confirmation. Call us on the number for more info, pricing and possible discounts. This starts from 3 hours and above. All girls are legal & motivated to Work as escort at our agency. Call us now.

Some girls offer extra services. Which these services are fully depends on the girl itself. We cannot promis anything related to this since this is a personal choice of the escort girl. You have to discuss with the girl herself for any extra's and possible pricing for that service in particular. Contact us for more info on booking Girls in Amsterdam on 24 hours basis.

Email Adress : escortserviceamsterdamoffice@gmail.com